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When do I get vaccinated?

by Loraine Gostling

Vaccination against the new coronavirus began on December 27th, 2020 in all Autonomous Communities. 

Once authorised by the European Commission and after the favorable opinion of the European Medicines Agency, the first vaccine to arrive in Spain was the one made by Pfizer / BioNTech (Comirnaty) , although Europe is negotiating the acquisition of other vaccines .

As the vaccines will be available in a progressive way, it is necessary to establish an order for the vaccination of the population. For this, ethical criteria, risk of serious disease and risk of exposure have been considered.

In the first stage, in which vaccines are available in smaller quantities, the following groups will be vaccinated in the order in which they are listed below:

  • Residents and health and social health personnel who work in homes for the elderly and care for large dependents
  • Front-line personnel in the health and social health field
  • Other health and social health personnel (not included in the previous group) who carry out activities that require close contact with people who may be infected by SARS-CoV-2
  • People considered highly dependent (degree III dependency, that is, in need of intense support measures) who are not currently institutionalized.

The first available doses will be used to vaccinate the first and second groups. 

A more detailed description of which people make up each of the groups can be found in Update 1 of 12/18/2020 of the COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy (PDF) . 

Information on when other population groups will be vaccinated will be made public later. 

… Read more

– Who decides which people get vaccinated and when and how they do it?


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