A different kind of shopping evening to take advantage of the sales in the shops, with games, a family gymkhana, a swing and blues area and a musical atmosphere in the streets and squares with the Summer Trio and Música a l’Estiu.
The first one will be on Friday 28th July and the next on Friday 18th August
28th July schedule:-
From 19:00 h. at Art Didà ctic – Shop, workshop and board games (Ronda Sur, 12). Board games for all audiences.
From 19:30 h. Family Gymkhana, in search of forgotten treasures, meeting point at Plaza de la Iglesia.
From 20:30 h. Summer Trio. Cellos and piano in the Calle Mayor.
Blues in the Plaza Marina Alta (Post Office)
From 21:00 h. Swing space. Dance with us in the Placeta del Convent with Swingouts quartet and the dancers of La Marina Lindy Hop.
At 22:30 h. Music in the summer. A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
And to finish the party at La Llum.

The second Summer Night will take place on Friday 18 August. The campaign has the collaboration of the City Council of Xà bia and the Conselleria d’EconomÃa Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Ocupació.