Home Costa BlancaJavea True Christmas Spirit from Bar L’Avinguda

True Christmas Spirit from Bar L’Avinguda

by Loraine Gostling

When the Christmas season starts to be in our thoughts, there are always people of who will think first of people less fortunate than most. The Serrat family, who run Bar L’Avinguda on Avenida Juan Carlos I, is one of them. For the third consecutive year, these generous people will offer, on boxing day (December 26), a free meal for the most deserving families. The objective, according to Juanjo, the son of the owners “Is to try to have a wonderful day of celebration, therefore, all people who do not usually have a happy time on Christmas Day, will be invited to a “pout of Nadal ” to make them feel at home.”

The venue has room for 80 people, “And we hope that people will come, that they will be encouraged to come, that they will not be ashamed, we will tell them that it is free for the people who really need it”. In addition to the food there will be a Christmas atmosphere with cava, polvorones and music, “We want everyone to leave happy”

The Serrat family will contact the Department of Social Services so that the people who need it can have a truly joyous day. No need to book but for those who want to do so, they can call on 633.893.625.

Original story in Spanish from Xabia.com



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