Home Costa BlancaJavea This Time Last Year!!!

This Time Last Year!!!

by Loraine Gostling

Snowball fights, freezing men by pools, penguins on the Arenal!! Wasn’t it lovely????

Feature photo by Vicky Bennett. 

Photo...Nicola Franklin
The tiniest snowmen! By Ricky LeBreton
The Snow Bear By Jo Pugh
Javea Connect admin time out
Pedeguer... By Sheena Coulson
Phpto by Ruth Thornley
Photo by Michelle Pritchard Price
Photo by Margaret Young
Photo by Lynda Smith
Photo by Liz Yardley
Photo by Karl Haycock
Photo by Kate Spelling
Photo by Katya
Photo by Kim Illingworth
Photo by Ler Santiago
Photo by Linda Ferguson
Photo by Karim Nurfal
Photo by John Taylor
Photo be Jean Gray
Photo by Jane McMIllan Fraser - Pinosol
Photo by Jane Longden
Photo by Iris Wahlstern
Photo by Ian Bates
Photo by Gary Sargeant, lol
Photo be Emma Edwards
Can you spot it???? lol Pohto be Ed Wells
Courtesy of Denia Turismo
Photo by Dani Saez
Photo by Christopher Michel
Cumbre del Sol Photo by Chris Olsen
Photo by Chris Holby
Photo by Brigitte Haab
Photo by Barry Delacour
Photo by Amy Joyce


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