Works of art that show the double meaning of rubbish in our lives:
Dénia artist “Art Jeane “has drawn the attention of local residents and visitors with two works of ephemeral and recycled art displayed in a car park in Javea, where a lot of rubbish left over from fiestas and parties is dumped.
The works, made with cardboard and general rubbish, seek to denounce incivility and animal abuse, and to highlight what the artist considers to be “the two faces of rubbish” in society: moral rubbish and material rubbish.
Jeane tells her story
I have created 2 works of ephemeral and recycled art in a car park in Jávea where a lot of rubbish is concentrated, using cardboard and general rubbish. I made 2 bulls representing the bulls tortured and killed in bullfights under infernal heat, an extreme cruelty practised all over the country.
The other is a large banner with a bullfighter’s dummy thrown in the rubbish, because for me bullfighting is rubbish. These places become the perfect setting to exhibit my art, with the aim of raising awareness about two types of rubbish that we must eliminate from our society. Each work speaks for itself. The figures made on the ground are also made of ecological material that is easy to remove.
These ephemeral works serve as an appeal to society, to politicians and those in power, to change their minds and take sensible and immediate action that will help this country and the collective human conscience to progress towards a path of respect for all living beings, promoting mutual and respectful sociability among all, to eliminate, once and for all, the bull festivities that stain Spain’s reputation with blood and violence.

If a government has the facility to make a decision and change the country for the better, he they should do it as soon as possible to put an end to violence against animals, disorder and incivility. Such behaviour make us look primitive, set a bad example to children and project a bad image to the world. That’s why I painted the mural with the title “The Primitives”. Starting from these principles, eliminating the material and moral rubbish, it will be easier to reach the path of peace that we want so much: no more violence!
Spain is a wonderful country that needs more respect and competent administration by people who truly love the environment, love animals and want the welfare of its inhabitants.
We need to eliminate rubbish from our lives, to live in harmony with nature and the animals that are part of it. The authorities must be the first to take action in this regard, setting an example and managing festivals and social events with ethics, morals and decency, without causing nuisance and death to animals and people or polluting the environment.
“These principles are necessary to end violence and set examples for other nations.”
We must cleanse our soul from the inside out – each one of us. Spain is a wonderful country governed by minds lacking ethics, morals, love for others and compassion for animals, and these minds are damaging the country, a country that is the best in Europe with its gastronomy, its art with Goya, Salvador Dali, Sorolla and the beautiful flamenco music and traditional dances, an art that is admirable worldwide.

That is the real authentic Spanish culture that should be valued as authenticity and national heritage, because bullfighting is no longer part of the Spanish essence, it is only violence against animals and people, it is decadence by itself. As an artist I wish the best for this country and for the world. It is sad to see a precious jewel driven by insensitive leaders.