The mayoress of Javea, Rosa Cardona, has signed the edict to regulate sound levels during the summer months with the aim of preserving the quality of life of the residents and guaranteeing rest.
Rules for the summer (1st July to 31st August) for works which generate noise, vibration and neighbourhood nuisances.
- The proclamation establishes that in the entire municipal area from 15.00 to 17:00 and from 20.00. to 09:00 the following day, work capable of producing levels of noise and vibrations that may disturb the neighbourhood peace must NOT be carried out.
- In case of non-compliance, it will be sanctioned according to current regulations.
- It also prohibits the carrying out of works on public roads , except in cases of urgency and municipal works.
- The Local Police of Xàbia will monitor compliance with this faction, reporting the infractions that will be sanctioned according to current regulations.
- The City Council urges residents, as well as businessmen from all sectors to comply with these provisions for the benefit of all.
Sundays and public holidays: in general, all activities that cause noise and vibrations are prohibited.
To report any problems with noise outside of the permitted hours in Javea, download the Xabia Connecta app and report it to the Town Hall. Click this link for information on how to download

I live in El Tosalet. We are trying to encourage all our neighbours gardeners to come on the same day and reduce the use of using those very annoying leaf blowers. My gardener is banned from using his for more than 2 minutes. Does anyone else have similar thoughts??
Best wishes to all who are reading this.
Difficult one really as there are obviously hours when noise is permitted but if you can manage to get them all to come on the same day, then this may help. Good luck with the initiative though.