A different kind of shopping night with workshops, games, family gymkhana, Lindy Hop clandestine, Jazz and classical music, and musical atmosphere through the streets and squares with a “Dixieland” rhythm .
- From 19: 30 hours: Family gymkhana, in search of forgotten treasures, meeting point in the Plaza de la Iglesia (next to the Tourist Office).
- From 20: 30 hours: Swing space, dance with La Marina Lindy Hop on the corner of Calle Sor Maria Gallart/ C/ Tossal de Dalt (Mercat Municipal).
- From 20: 30 hours: Supertónica, acoustic music, on Calle Mayor.
- From 20: 30 hours: Blues in the square, in the Plaza Marina Alta (Correos)
- From 20: 30 hours: Jazz, Latin and Reggae, in the Placeta del Convent.
- And to finish the party at La Llum

In addition, they will offer sales on summer shopping and local hospitality gastronomy.
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