Home Fiesta Jesus Nazareno

Fiesta Jesus Nazareno

by Loraine Gostling
Fiesta Jesus Nazareno 26. AprilApr. 2024

Fiestas & Special Events

Please note that during this particular fiesta, there are many events involving bulls. We have removed the itemised programming for these events, as we will not promote them on Javea Connect, but we have highlighted them in red for those who wish to avoid them.

Friday April 26

19:00 hours. Evening with disco-mobile organised by the 2024 ‘Baharis’. There will be a bar service with food and drink until 03:00 hours.

20:00 hours. Presentation of the XXII Xàbia Folk Festival 2024 with a performance by KRAMA in the Casa de Cultura. Free admission.

Saturday April 27

11:00 hours. Young Orchestra Concert of the Centre Artístic Musical Xàbia Spring Concert . Portal del Clot Multipurpose Room. Free entrance.

5:00 p.m. XL Jesús Nazareno Cyclist Trophy. Challenge cadets scoring test. Departure from the Plaza de la Constitución and finish at C/ Ángel Doménech.

5:30 p.m. Children’s theatre History of a sock at the House of Culture. Admission €3.

5:30 p.m. Release of carts in the bullring area for the children

6:00 p.m. Afternoon organised by the Fogueres Commission. There will be bar service with food and drinks until 3:00 a.m.

8:30 p.m. XXII Ars Nova Choral Festival with the performance of the Ars Armonium d’Oriola Choir, the Cor Carmesina of Gandia and Ars Nova in l’Església de Sant Bertomeu. Free entrance..

Sunday April 28

10:30 a.m. Pilota race. Palm league. Diputació d’Alacant Trophy. Xàbia[1]Lliber. C/ Sor Maria Gallart.

5:30 p.m. Release of carts in the bullfighting area for the little ones.

7:00 p.m. NIGHT OF SAINETES: I don’t like to criticize and Mortes de fam represented by the group VALENTES I POSITIVES from Pedreguer, in the Plaza de la Constitución, with the participation of the monologist Pepa Ferrero. Donation: €5, to benefit the Spanish Association against Cancer. Ticket sales from 5:00 p.m., at the place of the farce in the Plaza de la Constitución

Monday April 29

Tuesday April 30

12:00 hours. PUPPETS FOR PEACE. Activity to raise awareness about peace and friendship through culture, organised by the Red Cross.

7:00 p.m. Tribute to Jesus Nazarene in suffrage of Juan Bta. Bolufer Cruañes.

7:30 p.m. Solidarity concert in favour of Aspanión children with cancer, in the tent of the Plaza de la Constitución. Performance by the Young Band from the Artístic Musical center of Xàbia and Petits Ars Nova. Ticket sales at the tourist offices and in the tent itself. There will be bar service.

10:30 p.m. Sainete in the Plaza de la Constitución with the play La caiguda del balcó represented by the GRUP DE TEATRE TOT RIST of the Mare de Deu del Loreto commission.


Wednesday May 1: Children’s Day

At 8:30 a.m. Desperta wake-up with dolçaina and tabalet that will walk through the streets of the town. Next, in the Plaza de la Constitución, snacks for the children. There will be bar service. Immediately afterwards, the opening of a children’s park and carriages at the Penya El Tirasset. There will also be a raffle of several carved wooden sculptures by local artist Miguel Ángel Miguel that he will make “in situ.”

12:00 hours. Parade in the port with the Colla del Grup de Danses Portitxol to visit the crosses. At the end “picaeta” on the esplanade of the church.

1:30 p.m. Giant paella in Montaner Park. There will be bar service.

7:00 p.m. Tribute to Jesús Nazareno in favour of Pepa González Berenguer.

8:00 p.m. Parade with dolçaina and tabalet and the Tuna of Xàbia to visit, with the Brotherhood and the authorities, the crosses and shop windows. Departure from the Plaza de la Iglesia and ending on Avenida Jaime I.

Thursday May 2

11:00 hours. Visit the elderly at the Day Center, who will each be given a small gift.

11:30 am. Visit the elderly of the Cholbi Brothers Asylum, who will each be given a small gift.

12:00 hours. General ringing of bells.

7:00 p.m. Triduo to Jesús Nazareno in favor of Rev. Mr. Juan Esteve Domingo, Rev. Mr. José Soler Mulet, Rev. Mr. Juan Celda Visitación, Rev. Mr. Joaquín Sendra Benavent.

8:15 p.m. Offering of Flowers to Jesus Nazareno. All boys and girls, festival committees, clubs, associations, etc. are invited to this event.and the entire neighbourhood in general. (Departure from Plaza Marina Alta)

10:30 p.m. Fogueres de Sant Joan 75th anniversary events. The evolution of the way of dressing at the fiesta . Parade of traditional dresses from Xàbia.

The Brotherhood of the Nazarene in the Offering of flowers

Friday May 3: Ascent of Jesús Nazareno

07:30 hours.- General ringing of bells
08:00 hours.- ‘Despertà’ by the band of the Xàbia Artistic Musical Centre
12:00.- Solemn concelebrated Eucharist sung by Grupo Folk. At the end, the diplomas will be awarded to the mayorales of this year. Then ‘Mascletà’ in the Plaza de la Constitución.
19:00 hours.- Evening Mass especially for the sick and disabled, followed by a solemn procession with the image of Jesus of Nazareth. At the end there will be a fireworks display.

Saturday May 4

19:00 hours.- Mass in suffrage of the deceased Brothers to which we invite all the faithful of the Parish of San Bartolomé.

Sunday May 5

11:00 hours. Fogueres de Sant Joan 75th anniversary events. Workshop on traditional Valencian hairstyles in the Multipurpose Room of Portal del Clot. Limited places, prior registration at the House of Culture.

11:30 am. Professional Valencian ball game at Trinquet (separate program).

Saturday May 11

8:00 p.m. Mass in the Calvary hermitage in thanksgiving. Farewell to this year’s Mayorales and presentation of medals for 2025.

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