Home Àgora Actual Percussion Festival

Àgora Actual Percussion Festival

by Loraine Gostling
Àgora Actual Percussion Festival 01. JulyJul. 2024 20:00

Music Events

The programming will begin on July 1st at 20.00 on the seafront promenade of theGrava beach, with a concert titled “Metall Mediterrani” by the soloists of Àgora Actual fused with the sound sculptures of Tony Mari.

On July 2nd, a morning session and an afternoon session have been scheduled, both at the Riurau d'Arnauda. At 11:00, there will be a musical walk with Digraph Project, with works by Aperghis, Oliveira and Aguirre. Meanwhile, at night (22:30 p.m.), the group Neopercusión (led by Juanjo Guillem) and the African Group will perform. With a libretto composed of pieces by Reich and traditional African works.

Lastly, July 3rd at 22:30 p.m. the festival will close musical with Projecte SOXXI & Ensemble Cubà, which will perform works by Aguirre and traditional Cuban works. Projecte Soxxi is a group formed by Borja Donet, Andreu Queralt, Miguel Ángel Real, Sergi Dauder, Josep Furió, Victor Segura and Joan Soriano.

Admission will be free until capacity is reached.

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