Home Local Info Serious attack in the Jávea Park area – Witnesses are asked to come forward.

Serious attack in the Jávea Park area – Witnesses are asked to come forward.

by Loraine Gostling

In the early hours of Sunday/Monday April 14th to 15th, a 22-year-old young man suffered a brutal attack while returning home after being with friends in a bar in the Jávea Park area. According to statements from the victim’s friends, the attack occurred suddenly and from behind, which prevented the victim from seeing his attacker or attackers.

The young man received multiple blows that caused his jaw to be broken, serious injuries to his ribs and a blood clot in his head. The victim was left unconscious and was abandoned at the scene of the incident. Some time later he regained consciousness and managed to crawl to the street to ask for help.

He called a friend, who then took him to the hospital in Dénia, but due to the severity of his injuries he was referred to the Alicante hospital, where he remained in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and was subsequently admitted for 10 days.

The causes of the event point, according to the young man’s environment, to a possible hate crime – for being homosexual – “since only the assault occurred, no belongings were stolen,” says a friend.

The victim, fearing possible retaliation, has not yet filed a formal complaint. The friends are appealing for witnesses who may have seen or heard something suspicious between 2:30 and 3:00 in the morning in the vicinity of the area of ​​the event.

Source: Javea.com

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