Home Costa BlancaJavea Reward Offered for the Safe Return of Orac

Reward Offered for the Safe Return of Orac

by 0dayzFrids

Today we have received a message from Pepe Signes Cholbi, the owner or Orac, who went missing at the end of November last year from the Granadella area. He tells us that Orac has been seen being walked by a man in Javea very recently.

Pepe has always believed that Orac was taken purposely and he is still missing his dog immensely. Please, if anyone sees this dog, please call Pepe immediately on 639153384 or message us at Javea Connect and we will contact him.

A reward is offered for Orac’s return to his rightful owner.

More Dogs are missing too. Please take a look at this link and if you see any of these animals, contact us at Javea Connect



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