Home Local Info Recipe of The Week – Ñoquis Con Chipirones

Recipe of The Week – Ñoquis Con Chipirones

by Loraine Gostling

I found this recipe last week and decided to try it. It was really squidelicious !

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • Half a kilo of baby squid
  • 100 grams of flour
  • Good glug of olive oil
  • 1 egg yolk – beaten well
  • Garlic
  • Pinch of salt
  • Fresh parsley – finely chopped
  • Black pepper
  • Lemon wedges for garnish
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • Salt & pepper for seasoning
  • Prepare a green salad to accompany the dish and maybe some bread and alioli.


First of all, pour yourself a large glass of wine.  The gnocchi (if you make it yourself) takes a little while to prepare, so you may as well get comfy. Your hands will also get covered in flour and potato, so make sure that your partner or a good friend is nearby to mop your brow, and top up the vino. OK, right…now to the recipe….

For the Gnocci:

  • Cube the potatoes and boil in salted water for 30 minutes or until soft then mash them
  • Add a good splash of olive oil, season and then throw in the flour and egg yolk.
  • Add salt, pepper, a little nutmeg and stir it all up really well to form a dough.
  • Slap your kitchen assistant for not having topped up your wine and tell them to pop some plates into a low oven to warm.
  • Place dough on a lightly floured surface and knead well.
  • Roll into sausage shapes about an inch in diameter and cut into slices about 1/2 inch thick.  These will swell so don’t make them too big.
  • Stick your finger tip into the top of each gnocchi blob to make an indentation – this helps the sauce coat it better later on.  You could do the same with a fork to make it look even prettier (like in the photo)… but let’s face it, you’ve already polished off a couple of glasses of wine and you just want to get the damn thing cooked and eaten now.
  • Pop the gnocchi blobs into salted gently simmering water and let cook until they rise to the surface.  This only takes a few seconds.  Best to do these in batches Have a large frying pan ready now, and pour in a good glug of olive oil.  Toss the gnocchi blobs in the frying pan until turning golden, then drain and set aside.

For the Squid:

  • Make sure that your squid has been cleaned properly (be sure to feel inside the body and remove the quill – it resembles a shard of plastic). and if using larger squid, chop into bite-sized pieces.
  • Fry it on a medium to high heat in the frying pan, with some extra olive oil if the pan is a bit dry, plus the garlic and a pinch of salt.  These cook quickly – so keep an eye on them.
  • Once almost done, throw the gnocchi in, and stir through until everything is hot.
  • Swear profusely at your kitchen assistant who isn’t paying attention…and demand that they get your glass refilled immediately, and the warmed plates out of the oven.
  • Serve onto plates and sprinkle with the parsley.  Pop the lemon wedges on the sides for people to squeeze at their leisure.
  • Demolish while still hot, washed down with more wine.
  • Remember that you’ve made a salad which is still sat in the fridge!
  • Head to the fridge to retrieve said salad, but return with more wine instead, if there is any left of course! 
  • Send kitchen assistant to do the washing up.  Lob a lemon wedge at the back of their head and giggle a bit!!

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