The Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition has opened a sanctioning file against Javea council for very serious infraction regarding the Ramblars landfill fire, which was left to burn for three months -between November 2021 and February 2022, according to the Levante newspaper .
In the opinion of the Ministry, environmental agents confirmed that fire is used repeatedly in this landfill to eliminate waste such as garden debris and pruning, which is prohibited, adds the aforementioned newspaper.
According to the file, those remains would have been set on fire up to 14 times and agents reported it 7 times.
The record of the regional administration goes further. At the Ramblars site, there is no system to prevent fires and, as Ecologistes en Acció previously denounced, the green waste was not compacted to prevent the flames from spreading during those three months.
Finally, the Ministry reached another conclusion, in that the aforementioned environmental organisation had also revealed: this supposed transfer plant does not hold a license. All of this would violate the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils.
The Town Hall response
The City Council of Javea, adds Levante , has presented allegations in which they state that there is no evidence that fire was used to finish off the green remains. They also deny the alleged deficiencies by the ministry and assures that there is a hydrant in the landfill area and that when the fire started on November 21st, those remains were compacted, so the spread of the fire was due to another cause, namely, strong gusts of wind.
In addition, the council ensures that since 2014 it has sent all the documents requested by the regional administration to legalise Ramblars.