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“Putting the Cats among the Padels”!

Guest article by "Muggle"

by Loraine Gostling

Hi, my name is Muggle and I usually sit and oversee two of the Javea Connect Admins while they are working. I really don’t like working myself very much, but now and again I will sit on the JC computer and test the keyboard. This does not usually go down very well and so my brother, Draco Meowfoy tells me off as he is a goody-goody and (catty remark) far too fat to fit on the keyboard)!

But I digress – the reason I have dictated this article to my human is that luckily for us, my bro’ and have been very spoiled since we were rescued 6 years ago, but there are many of our feline family around these parts that are not as fortunate and are left to fend for themselves.

BUT, those lovely people at the Javea Feral Cat Association work hard to make their lives as happy as possible and have organised a super event this coming Sunday so that all you humans can go, win some fabulous prizes and, be entertained by Ian Hunt and Mick Dennison (I only listen to the Pussycat Dolls myself, to be honest!) and have, as you two-legged friends say, a good old Jolly-Up!

Me and Meowf’ are not allowed to go though, which is a shame as we have been practising our Cats Chorus for many years. Unfortunately when we do this, our humans cover their ears and shout at us!

We are sending Loraine, one of our humans, and she will see you there! 😻

Sept 14 and 15


“Javea Feral Cat Association is proud to announce our annual Padel Tournament and Gala Day is on the way so please join us for a wonderful time with FREE Entertainment!”

VIP guests again this year are the wonderful Royal British Legion,Javea Branch
As always the luxury raffle will be amazing of course, with our famous Wine Hampers, Restaurant Vouchers and Luxury gifts
Thank you to the community of Javea for supporting us and making this event so successful ❤️

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