The Mayoress of Xàbia, Rosa Cardona, and Councillor José Marcos Pons, held a meeting today with the regional secretary for the Environment, Javier Sendra, the Director General for Water, Sabina Goretti, the General Director of Water, Sabina Goretti, and the manager of the Entitat Pública de Sanejament d’Aigües Residuals (Epsar) with the aim of conveying to them all the demands of the Town Hall in terms of purification and the pumping system, which is dependent on EPSAR.
The meeting was held at the treatment plant, where the regional secretary said that the visit was the first point of contact with those towns where beaches had to be closed during the summer, “in order to time-study and take the appropriate measures to ensure that this does not happen again”.
The regional secretary stressed that from now on “we are going to work in a coordinated way with both Epsar and Javea town Council , to detect the problems that occurred in the summer and try to solve them”.
Sendra also emphasised the Consell’s commitment to implement the third phase of the purification process, which will allow waste water to be reused in areeas such as agriculture, garden irrigation and street cleansing.
EPSAR has also committed to improving the pumping systems of the Arenal with the intention of ensuring that there will never again be any unexpected release that would force the closure of the Arenal beach.
The mayoress thanked all visitors for attending the meeting to listen to the demands of the municipality and make themselves available to the town council.
The councillor for the Water Cycle, José Marcos Pons, wanted to highlight the local government’s commitment to improving the sewage network, and the first step is that our sewage treatment plant “will improve the treatment of wastewater and will have the third phase, which will allow us to reuse the treated water.