The GVA+Salut App now contains more services.
The mobile app is a new version, which already has 1.1 million subscribers.

Pending appointments will be consulted not only in primary care, but also with external consultations in hospitals and special centres, as well as medication, treatments and prescriptions.
It is now available for both iOS, Android and Huawei and offers new features and new access that guarantees completely safe use.
Identification through the SIP card number has been replaced by two new forms of access to ensure security in the protection of personal data and from any possible fraudulent use. This will access the services offered by the GVA+Salut App via scanning the SIP card barcode or using Cl@ve. It allows access to consultation of appointments each patient has in primary care and, as an update, at specialty centres in hospitals.
The APP also allows to monitor the surgical intervention of a family member by scanning a QR code that will be facilitated by the health centre available to this service that is being progressively added
The Covid Vaccination hosted on the website of the Health Authority will be accessible with one click. The new version now also allows to modify your SIP card contact details if you access it through Cl@ve as well as access to electronic health story (HSE).