The Department of Sports has announced the furure construction of two “pump track” tracks on a municipal plot of land located in C/Garcilaso de la Vega, (next to the emergency heli-surface/ Trenc d’Ensenada school).
The tracks will be installed in an area that will be delimited around the perimeter and asphalted in its entirety, with a minimum surface area of 1,400 square metres, one of which will be an intermediate grade, and the other of 400 square metres at an initial grade.
On the larger circuit there will be seven banked corners with left or right turns, 20 undulation modules with left or right-hand turns, 20 modules of plateau jump type undulations at different heights; 6 modules of double jump type undulations at different heights and two entry and exit platforms at each end of the track.

While on the entry-level track, four banked corners with left- or right-hand turns, 1 module of plateau jump-type undulations at different heights, three modules or double jump-type undulations at each end of the circuit, and modules or double jump type undulations, and an entry and exit platform at one end of the track, facing the entrance to the other circuit.
The Sports Councillor, Toni Molina, is very excited about this project as it is multi-purpose.”It can be used for official competitions, but also for te enjotment of the whole family”. The configuration of the pump track “will allow that both experienced riders and beginners can enjoy and learn the skills of both the BMX bike and the, MTB, skate, skates and scooters”.
The contract has been put out to tender for 265,000 euros and has a completion period of three months.