Without going over old ground that has been discussed to death on the Javea Connect group, here is the news in brief…
Javea Council has, it seems, listened to local people and decided to take measures.
The Councilor for Services, Juanjo GarcÃa, revealed yesterday in plenary session, that the original solution will be adopted to make this coastline impassable for caravans .
A type of gate will be placed in the parking lots. It will look a lot like a soccer goal. The key is the clearance. The gate will have posts that will support a crossbar at a height of 2 metres and 10 centimeters. Caravans will not be able to enter .
The councilor indicated that the Provincial Coastal Headquarters has given them permission to install these gates. He said that the city council is waiting for the material and signage to arrive (it must be very clearly signposted, lest the first van may knock down the crossbar). The “anti-caravan gates” will be placed after the December long weekend.
Fait accomplis!

Photo: https://www.levante-emv.com/