Home Costa BlancaJavea More security on the La Plana road has been initiated.

More security on the La Plana road has been initiated.

by Loraine Gostling

On Friday 1th August, Javea Town Council installed a series of temporary security measures on the road to La Plana in order to prevent vehicles from parking improperly on the verges and thus ensure the safety of the residents of the area when entering / leaving their homes.

This is one of the measures that were presented yesterday afternoon by the mayor, Rosa Cardona, the Councillor for Citizen Protection, Juan Ortolá, the Councillor for La Plana, Fatima Jarjor and the Intendant-Chief of the Local Police, José Antonio Monfort, during a meeting with neighbours held at the Casa de Cultura. A meeting attended by about a hundred homeowners in the area.

After receiving complaints from the local residents at the beginning of the week, the councillor for La Plana moved to the mayor and the mayor of Citizen Protection, that there is a need to install these security measures on that road.

Local Police mobilised a series of plastic “new jersey” type blocks and some cones that were installed by the Local Police, the Civil Guard and Civil Protection on Friday on the shoulders of the road from the Punt Verd at the entrance to the Monastery.

In addition, the Chief Intendant announced that during the nights of this weekend, a Local Police patrol will be stationed in the area as an additional deterrent. The Local Police has no authority to sanction at this point as it is a road of autonomous ownership.

In this regard, during the meeting, the mayor lamented that in recent years “there has been a lack of investestment in the cleaning and maintenance of the La Plana area and criticised that the whole environment is in “very bad condition”, for example the area of the Merendero and the ditches themselves. And she pledged to ask the new heads of the Department of Environment and Territory “to invest in the area to keep the wooded areas surrounding the houses clean”.

Ms. Cardona also announced that she will ask the Generalitat for transfer of the road to La Plana which will then allow, once it is agreed, for the Local Police to intervene and punish illegal parking on the verges.

The mayor also explained that the provisional measures installed on Friday will be replaced in the coming weeks by yellow milestones such as those that were installed on the shoulders of the road leading to the Cala de la Granadella. In fact, the Consistory has already ordered them to the company that supplies them.

Also, the mayor urged residents of La Plana to reactivate the association in order to maintain a constant channel of communication with them and thus be able to address the other problems that the area has, mainly urban issues. Something she pledged to address in future meetings.

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