Guardia Civil has found Barbara E., 78, who has disappeared last Sunday afternoon from her home on C/Eucaliptus in Teulada Moraira.
Efforts against the clock by Guardia paid off and they were able to safely locate Barbara . Everything indicates that the woman had become disoriented, which led her to walk from her home to the area of l’Andragó, where a witness had seen her just over 2 kilometres from her home. Well, the investigations managed to find her and the story has a happy ending.
The extensive search involved agents from Benissa, Callosa, Calp, Altea and nearby towns. The Alicante Citizen Security Unit (Usecic) also participated and the Civil Guard helicopter flew over the area. Another important participation was that of the Cynological Service, a unit equipped with trained dogs in the search for missing persons (among many other functions). Three dogs, Panic , Sira and Jero sniffed the area where a witness placed the woman for the last time. No means was spared.