Last week, a very good friend of mine bought me a bottle of gin, bless her!
What she had not noticed when picking it out was that it was totally alcohol free. Well, I booked her an appointment at Specsavers immediately but what I had not realised was that this bottle of blue gin is actually really delicious, just like the real thing and although I love a tipple or two, I will never drink and drive and so this is an absolute godsend for me.
I am hoping that a few bars may now take a look at this and get some in as sitting having a glass of this with tonic and some lemon, orange or… in my case… watermelon, actually makes you feel like you are having a “proper” drink but without all the worry of having to drive home.
Having got pretty fed up with sin alcohol beer, coffee, coke or water, this discovery is brilliant.
Chris told me that she found it in Pepe la Sal but I am sure that many other outlets will be on this very soon. Cheers Chris ( sin hiccups!) 😉