The Uk Government has recently updated their page regarding applying for leagla aid, which is available to UK residents here.
There is a link to take you to the full article at the base of this article but in brief:-
Legal aid in Spain
In Spain, legal aid (“asistencia jurídica gratuita”) is a means-tested mechanism that helps members of the public who can demonstrate insufficient financial means, to meet the costs and fees of legal proceedings and court litigation.
The law and regulations governing Legal Aid in Spain are set out respectively in: Ley 1/1996, de 10 de enero, de asistencia jurídica gratuita; Real Decreto 141/2021, de 9 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de asistencia jurídica gratuita.
See also the General Council of Spanish Lawyers website for further information (English translation available).
Who can benefit from legal aid in Spain
- Spanish citizens
- nationals of other Member States of the European Union
- any other foreign national have the right to legal aid in Spain if they can demonstrate insufficient means for litigation, and provided they are resident in Spain or are able to show an automatic qualification regardless of residence (see below)
- public-interest associations, foundations, and employment law cases may also qualify for legal aid in Spain
Your particular circumstances and the type of court case you are party to will determine whether you automatically qualify for legal aid in Spain (see Automatic right to legal aid, or if access is dependent on the outcome of financial means testing (see Means testing thresholds.