Javea police have expanded training in their Canine Unit to help trace cases of chemical substances.
As a result of such cases reported in recent weeks, headquarters requested information from Public Health on the type of substances that are being used in this type of crime to incorporate them into the training of Kosmo, who, until now, focused on locating of cocaine, marijuana and hashish. Now Kosmo is also trained to detect other dangerous chemical substances.
In the last week, several preventive drug detection controls have been carried out in the main leisure area of the town, during which, different types of narcotics such as cocaine, hashish, marijuana or pills have been uncovered.
Also, a couple of days ago, within the framework of these preventive controls, a 25-year-old man accused of cocaine trafficking was arrested. He was carrying 10 doses of cocaine.
The German Shepherd Kosmo, is the first member of Javea’s Canine Unit and has received over a year’s instruction aimed at developing his sense of smell in the detection of narcotics.
The unit has another member, Khalan, who is trained in the search for missing people.