Jose Chulvi sends a message to British residents.
“Javea Town Council reminds British residents that they can go to the Help Desk for answers to any of their doubts about Brexit
The municipal service is in contact with the British Consulate for updates to all information that may affect their rights. The Councillor for Residents at the Town Hall, Kika Mata, has made available the free advice offered by the Help Desk to all British residents living in the municipality.
Kika points out that this municipal service is in regular contact with the Consulate for updates to all the information related to Brexit and the consequences that it will have on the British people residing in the town. This covers the most important issues: visas and residence, medical care and health cards, driver’s licences, moving to Spain and entry requirements, right to vote and work permits.
The Help Desk is located in the OAC (citizen service office at Portal del Clot) and can be visited with an appointment in advance or by telephone (965790500 extension 3609 or email: [email protected] councillor has also pointed out the importance of being properly registered on the Town Hall Padron in order to maintain rights as residents.”
For more information, the Town Council has provided on the municipal website, a direct link…