Home Local Info Javea officially has a new government

Javea officially has a new government

by JC Admin

The constitution for the next four years has been made out and the 21 councillors that make it up have taken up office.

Carme Català and Pere Joan Sapena presided and handed over the staff of command to Rosa Cardona as mayoress of Javea in the presence of a large audience attending the plenary hall on Saturday 17th June.

Photo: Javea.com

Ms. Cardona faces her first legislature and now begins a new political history in the town by becoming the first woman mayor of the municipality. She had the support of her eight councilors, the two from Ciudadanos por Jávea and the one from VOX, that is, thus achieving a majority.

The new legistlature

Will be made up of the tripartite government team – from the ranks of the PP: Rosa Cardona, Enrique Escrivá, Teresa Legay, Pere Joan Sapena, Fátima Jarjor, Juanlu Cardona, Juanjo García and Antonio Molina. From Citizens by Jávea: Mavi Pérez y Juan Ortolá and from VOX: José Marcos Pons.

The opposition

In opposition will be the socialists: José ChulviKika MataRita BerrutiAlberto Tur, Sergio Camarasa, Ximo Segarra, Isabel Moreno, Vicent Miralles, Rosana Sapena and the Compromís candidate: Carme Català.

The full 21 councillors

Line of government

All the political parties represented have agreed to work for Javea. They do not want to make things a critical opposition but a constructive one, in which the interest of the people should prevail.

The spokesperson for Compromís, Carme Català, expressed her non-support for Rosa Cardona’s candidacy “for not sharing the same principles”, in response to which she has harshly criticised the new government formation, “it is a contradiction that two lists headed by women are the ones that open the door of our town hall to denialism, anti-feminism, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-democracy and a return to the pre-constitutional era, neo-Francoism, anti-Europeanism, which goes against our field , the environment, our language… and ultimately, they are those who come to destroy, to repeal freedoms”.

Català indicated that she joins the opposition “to defend our ideals, those of Compromís, responsibly and for being the voice of democratic and progressive Valencianism. We are going to form an opposition with our cards uncovered – as a comrade well said -. You know how meet and we will be together with the municipal government in the defense of our territory, of our landscape, in the defense of our cultural heritage”.

For his part, the representative for VOX, José Marcos Pons, recalled that 24 years ago he had his first opportunity in politics as a member of the PP and has outlined that great challenges will be faced during this legislature, “but I tell Rosa that it is going to govern and work for all equally”.

From the ranks of Ciudadanos por Jávea, Mavi Pérez, has outlined what are going to be the political lines that are going to be carried out with the new mandate in which her party is a part to achieve the best interests for javea, “public services will be one of the main topics, as well as employment. The protection of the environment will be another highlight.

From the PP, – the person in charge of taking the floor has been Enrique Escrivá, who has claimed that “we are going to be a government for all where the interests of Javea prevail. They will not be easy years, but we have desire, enthusiasm and responsibility. We are not going to leave the primary sector because it is the essence of the town. We are going to work for the Javea of the future”.

José Chulvi, as spokesman for the PSOE, and until yesterday, mayor of Javea for 12 years, has made a balance of his legislatures, the projects he has carried out and those he has left running. Chulvi has stated that the PSOE will continue working for Javea from the opposition with a firm and forceful position.

Lastly, the new mayoress, Rosa Cardona, outlined in her speech that the lines of work for this legislature have been marked out, “lines in which the three political formations coincide and in which all that remains is to work on them.”

At the moment the powers that will govern each of the councillors are unknown.


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