Almost a year after the launch of the Valencian ITV website (SITVAL), the problems encountered in being able to book an ITV appointment online seem to have become a real headache.
At Ondara, the only fixed inspection station in the Marina Alta area, complaints from customers about the impossibility of accessing the service through online appointments have been constant for a few months now. On the website it appears that, until March, there is no possibility of booking an appointment. However, it is specified that “appointments are extended daily according to availability, check the website periodically.”
In the Community, four other facilities also do not have many appointments available on the website for the coming months. They are Alacant, Benidorm, Elx and XÃ tiva. As reported by the Department of Industry, the fact that the website does not offer dates does not mean that there are no appointments. A telephone call may help as, at least, you are able to talk to staff about availability.
In Ondara, before Christmas, going to the ITV in person to request an appointment could be more feasible than going to the website, as confirmed by a reader of La Marine Plaza – “They had an appointment available for the next day at the Ondara ticket office,” she says. However, this solution is not viable to serve so many people in the region. For this reason, many town councils in the Marina Alta have been presenting motions to their plenary sessions to urge the Department to ensure that the the proper ITV station in Ondara funtions correctly and immediately.
News source, Levante-EMV has published, according to union sources, these problems are due to the fact that each facility decides the number of appointments to offer both on the website and by telephone, at a “rate at which it makes them available,”. It is expected that this aspect will be resolved soon by centralising everything, including the distribution of appointments, in SITVAL when Javier López Mora assumes general management.
Source: Lamarinaalta.com