The 112 emergency phones from all over Spain incorporate the AML system, implemented by the Generalitat and the central government, which accurately geolocalizes mobile calls.
In October 2021 The Minister of Justice presented a new system which has been implemented nationwide, and which reduces the approximate area of searches for people at risk (calling 112 from a mobile phone) to between 15 and 20 metres
The AML system is already operating in eleven Autonomous Communities, where more than 65% of the Spanish population lives
Traditionally, technology precision could pinpoint between 2 and 5 kilometres in urban areas, and between 40 and 50 kilometres in mountainous areas.
The European Electronic Communications Code (Directive 2018/1972/EC) makes it mandatory for all the Member States of the European Union to make use of handset-derived location to locate people calling emergency services (starting from December 2020) AML is a technology that enables the provision of such information and thus, ensures compliance with this legislation.
Starting from March 2022, all the smartphones sold in the European single market will have to offer the possibility to send handset-derived location information of the caller to the emergency services. This is already the case for a large majority of smartphones, namely all Android and iOS phones.
In addition to designing software, the Valenciana Community was in charge of implementing the first phase of development of the system and training all the technical staff in the management of technology.
The first tests in Valencia began last April and later, Galicia, Murcia, Aragon, Madrid, La Rioja, Cantabria, Baleares and Castile and Leon were included in the tests.
The General Directorate coordinated with Google in the agreement for activating the geolocation service in Spain on devices with Android systems.
The activation of service for iOS phones is expected for the first quarter of 2022.
With the launch of the AML, Spain has joined more than 25 other countries that operate the system throughout the world.
To understand more about AML, watch the video …