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Happy New Year

by Loraine Gostling

I really need not recap on the Annus Horriblis as I am sure not many of you want to look back on 2020 with any sort of nostalgic reflection. But let us all hope that 2021 gradually brings some normality back to our lives, not just here in Spain, but to the world as a whole.

For those millions of us who sorely miss our families, we can only take solace in knowing that we are not alone in this and thank our lucky stars that the internet was invented before this terrible virus came to pass.

So now I offer my very best wishes to everyone for the forthcoming months and hope that gradually our lives will return to some sort of normality and pray that this time next year, we can all be together over the festive period, with those we love.

In the meantime, I offer my final Ode to 2020 – Best see it out with a smile if we can 😊…… Loraine. x


Well here we are – “the end is nigh”
Profound things I should say
But just 5 words suffice right now
“Sod off year – go away!
But I concede one positive
As the masks I did embrace
‘Cos right now it warms up my nose
And hides wrinkles on my face!
Midnight marks nine months of crap
And a new year has begun
So henceforth I rename this year…
By Loraine Gostling 31.12.2020.

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