Home Costa Blanca Gata de Gorgos Fiestas.. Last 2 Days

Gata de Gorgos Fiestas.. Last 2 Days

by Loraine Gostling

Sunday 5th August. Senior Citizens Day and Offering
08:00 h. “Despertà” (Wake up call) by the quintos 2018.
12:00 h. Solemn thanksgiving mass for the senior citizens of the town.
13:30 h. The Commisión will offer free wine to all senior citizens in the Social Centre followed by a dance where our senior citizens can enjoy this day dedicated to them.
17:30 h. Valencian handball game in c/ La Bassa.
20:00 h. Gathering at Plaza Nueva of the Junior and Senior Quintos, peñas and associations and anyone who wishes to participate in the Floral Offering to the Santíssimo Cristo del Calvario, accompanied by traditional music by Colla de dolçainers i tabaleters EL
00:00 h. Classical musical concert. Our very own band will once again perform a spectacular concert at Plaza de la Iglesia. Afterwards the “cordà” will be displayed in the old football pitch. Only those with the CRE license will be allowed to access to the area.

Monday 6th August Day of Santíssim Crist del Calvari
08:00 h. Wake up call by the Comisión de Fiestas 2018.
10:00 h. Procession around the town led by the BANDA UNIÓ MUSICAL DE GATA.
11:00 h. The Music Band will collect the Junior and Senior Quintos 2018 and dignitaries.
12:00 h. Solemn Mass in honour of Santíssimo Cristo del Calvario with the performance of the COR GRUP SERRILLÀS. After, “Traca” fireworks by Pirotecnia HNOS. BORREDÁ.
Afterwards, we will go to the Social Centre and enjoy some wine at the prize giving ceremony (floats, fancy dress etc.).
19:30 h. Solemne Mass and solemn procession to accompany the Santíssimo Cristo from the Church back up to the Hermitage, with traditional music by Colla de dolçainers i tabaleters EL MONTGÓ and BANDA UNIÓ MUSICAL DE GATA. At the end of the procession, the Pirotecnia HNOS. BORREDÁ will provide a fabulous Fireworks display to bring the Fiestas 2018 to an end.

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