Christmas spirit floods Javea this weekend as the musical groups of the town have prepared a Christmas with a wide-ranging programme.
On Saturday 16th December, the Centre ArtÃstic Musical will be giving its Christmas concert in the sports court of the Port de XÃ bia School from 11.00 am. With the participation of the Musical Initiation, the Youth Orchestra and the Youth Band.
In the afternoon-evening, the Church of San Bartolomé will host the Christmas concert of the Ensemble of the Casa del Mediterráneo from 20.30, conducted by Ignacio GarcÃa Vidal.
And on Sunday 17th December at 11 am, the grup Polifònic Ars Nova will be performing a Christmas concert in the Convent de les Agustines at 11 am. The concert, entitled “Carols and Lullabies”, is a performance in which the Petit Arts choir will also take part. This concert has an entrance fee of 3 euros.
In addition, in the afternoon, in the Church of San Bartolomé, the Grup de Danses Portitxol will delight all those attending with ‘Nadales valencianes’ performed by the Rondalla Portitxol de Xà bia. This will start at 20.00 hours.
Rest of the cultural programme:-
Aside from music, on Friday the 15th, the Duanes Library will be hosting a new session of “La Mar de Contes with “A la llum de la llum” (In the light of the light).
Throughout the day on 16th December, the Xà bia Histórica association will be opening its Christmas Fireta de Nadal of associations and local producers. This will be in the Plaza de la Iglesia from 10.30 am to 6 pm.