Magnificent processions, exciting mock battles…This is the festival of Moors and Christians. Days andd nights filled with magic, legend, colour and splendour. For over four centuries, this festival has recreated the historic clash between two cultures.
Go and enjoy this unique festival in which thousands of people take part year after year, all trying to outshine each other and finish off the evenings partying with live music and late night discos.

The parties will begin on Saturday , July 13 , with a parade and wine of honour, after which the official presentation of the Moors and Christians Festivities will be held on the Promenade Jaime I at 9:00 pm , with the proclamation of Rafael Andarias , that will serve as a starting signal for 8 days of celebration, culture and tradition.
Here is the full battling agenda!
9:30 p.m. DISEMBARKATION OF THE MOORS. Recreation of the arrival of the Muslim troops to the shores of Javea with firing of arms.
10:00 p.m. SURRENDER! of the castle on Paseo Jaime I.
11:45 p.m. Show with charanga music in the FilĂ Capitana Almoradins until 03:00
00:00 h. Spectacular tour of the different *kábilas and barracks with Batucada BUNPADA accompanied by festive and general public.
11:00 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT through the streets Pio X, Plaza Presidente Adolfo Suárez, AndrĂ©s Lambert and Sevilla until Doctor Fleming.
5:00 p.m. XXVI Pepe Prats de Pilota Valenciana Trophy in c/Virgen de Loreto.
9:00 p.m. THE BATTLE!! armed combat between the Moors and Christians in the Playa de la Grava.
9:30 p.m. “RECONQUISTA” CONQUERING THE CASTLE of the castle by the Christians in the Paseo Jaime I.
22:30 h. Mobile Disco in c/Manuel Bordes Valls.
00:00 h. Performance of the LOS LEGENDARIOS orchestra on c/Doctor Fleming, offered by the FilĂ Capitana Almoradins.
11:30 h. Parade in charge of the Filà Capitana, festeros charges and Festes Board visiting *kábilas and barracks.
8:30 p.m. GALA PARADE
23:30 h. Macro-disco with the performance of SPAM GROUP until 03:30 h. on Avenida Jaime I with Dj. Pablo Gisbert and MarĂa Gavilá.
00: 00h Charanga night at the FilĂ Capitana Almoradins until 03:00 h.
00:30 h. CORREFOC….. by Colla de Dimonis In-Ga-Va of the El Maro troupe through the streets Antoni LlidĂł, Virgen de Loreto and Paseo Jaime I.
10:00 h. “Aquajocs” for children in the outdoor area of ​​the Palau Municipal d’Esports.
10:30 h. Distribution of ice cream and chocolate offered by the Moors and Cristians flaggers in the outdoor area of ​​the Palau.
12:00 h. Celebration of the Solemn Mass in honor of Saint James and in memory of our deceased festeros.
7:00 p.m. ENTRY OF MUSICAL BANDS. Next, in Paseo Jaime I, TROBĂ€ DE BANDES DE MĂšSICA interpreting all of them the Pasodoble XĂ bia.
8:00 p.m. GALA PARADE…. closing the pageantry of the FilĂ Capitana 2019, Almoradins. At the end, a TRONĂ€ will be shot from La Grava Beach.
*The word “kábila” is derived from the Arabic word QABEELA, which means “tribe.”