Home Local Info A Different Easter Egg.. The Spanish Way

A Different Easter Egg.. The Spanish Way

by JC Admin


Sweet crispy treats that would put any Easter Egg to shame – these little fluffy, crispy fritters are like French Toast but only bite size, fluffier and crispier. You can cover them with chocolate sauce too, so a little like a Profiterole but crispy and hot !


250 ml milk

1 cinnamon stick

150g butter

200g flour

6 eggs

1/2 litre vegetable oil

Caster sugar for serving


  1. In a saucepan, heat the milk, cinnamon stick and butter together and bring to the boil.
  2. Once boiling, remove the cinnamon stick before adding in the flour all in one go. Cook the mixture whilst stirring continuously for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and beat in the eggs one at a time, stirring vigorously.
  4. Next, heat the oil in a deep fat fryer to 180°C.
  5. Using two teaspoons, make small balls out of the mixture and drop into the hot oil.
  6. Fry in batches for a few minutes until the buñuelos are crisp on the outside.
  7. Drain on kitchen paper before sprinkling with sugar to serve

Recipe from Brindisa

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