Author Morgan Cry ( more locally known as Gordon Brown) is running a competition to win a copy of his book “Thirty One Bones”, which was inspired by our lovely town.
He tells us:-
“Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the recent library vote and to those that have read ’Thirty-One Bones’. The book was inspired by Javea (and is set there – albeit, in the book, the town is called El Descaro).”
“ I have two signed copies up for grabs. Simply like this post and Loraine Gostling will be drawing two winners for me and the winners can pick up their copies at Polly’s bookshop in Javea port or in Moraira. ( For those reading this on the website, you can comment on this article to lodge your “like”).
“For information the sequel to ’Thirty-One Bones’ will be coming out in June of this year – called ‘Six Wounds’ there will be more information about this soon. Once again thanks for all the support and stay safe.”
A reader’s view
For my part, I have read and thoroughly enjoyed the book. As you absorb the chapters, you will (if you are like me) picture the views surrounding the characters as the story unfolds. The novel centres around a bar and for me it was impossible not to conjure up a picture of the characters sitting, supping their St. Miguel and carajillos and discussing their “get-rich quick” plans! I had best not name the bar I had in my imagination though… it may get me into trouble and end up as Morgan’s third sequel!!…. Loraine at Javea Connect.