According to a leading insurance company, it is possible that if you were to have an accident in one of the many illegal taxis that operate in the area, you would not be insured for any hospital treatment that either you or a member of your family might need and payment for it would be your responsibility and yours alone.
One legal driver said; “Many people, both residents and tourists are aware of the illegal practice but may not be aware of the magnitude of the problem of illegal passenger transport services, as well as the dangers to themselves and their family if they are involved in an accident as a passenger or in a vehicle struck by an illegal vehicle and driver.”
Please note that official VTC licenses cost ‘from €15,000 to €50,000’ to obtain! These licenses allow a private car to be used in a professional capacity, and only those vehicles will show a blue rear number plate.
There is an app called ‘Control de VTC’s y Piratas’ that Android users can use to check car number plates for their licenses.