Home Local Info Business of the Week – Buffalo Brix…

Business of the Week – Buffalo Brix…

by Loraine Gostling

….Are revolutionising the real estate market on the Costa Blanca and that is why they guarantee that they will always charge less than 1% in sales commission.

Selling your property

“At Buffalo Brix, we know how expensive selling your property can be. You have worked hard to build up the equity in your home, so why shouldn’t you be the one who benefits most from that equity!”

“We are revolutionising the real estate market and that is why we guarantee you that we will always charge less than 1% in sales commission. This potentially can save you 1000s of Euros, what are you waiting for?”

Our unique services and approach give you the freedom to maximise your homes full potential.

Our services are:-

  • Competitive
  • Modern
  • Professional
  • Complete from start to finish.
The real estate market is forever changing…..
It’s how you adapt that matters!!!
Here at Buffalo Brix we do our utmost to negotiate the very best deals for our clients!! And that’s a promise!
Contact us for more information on how we can help!
Call us on +34 615 26 76 16
Email us at [email protected]
See our comprehensive website at www.buffalobrix.com

Special Offer for all Javea Connect Members
Offer ends 1st September 2021

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