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Animal & Environment Protection

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Seprona is an agency that depends on the Civil Guard and is dedicated to conserving nature, the environment, water resources, fish, forestry  and local fauna and flora, especially protected species.

The staff of Seprona are specially trained to protect, save and defend natural areas and it's inhabitants, guarding and protecting the soil, thewater and the atmosphere, the heath of animals and the conservation of different species.

Some of the tasks of Seprona are: to fight against spills and pollution of the environment, irregular fishing and hunting activities, illegal and illegal trade in protected species, the defence of natural areas in general plus the prevention and extinction of fires

"Many people have heard about SEPRONA, but in reality not everyone has a very clear idea of ​​what this organisation is, who it depends upon, what its functions are and how to get in touch with them if they need help."

How is Seprona organised?

Each province has a Technical Office (for support and coordination of the rest of the provincial units), several protection teams (which detect, quantify and investigate environmental problems) and protection patrols (those who prevent, monitor and report any environmental attacks).

A bit of history about Seprona

Although in recent times the general population has become aware of the need to protect and preserve nature. Legally the Civil Guard has been committed for many years to guarantee compliance with the norms that govern fishing, hunting and conservation of forests.

On 7/6/1876 the organisation was entrusted (by means of a Royal Order) to the Civil Guard to assume functions of forestry and rural police and to watch over the safety of public forests, as well as to prevent "clandestine" exploitation.

How and when to contact SEPRONA

If you know of a problem related to the Environment, from poaching, misuse of resources, if you find an animal in danger and you have no idea what to do with it or know someone who is in possession of an illegal type of "pet" you can get in touch with the SEPRONA and ask them for help.

For this purpose, there are several phone numbers, such as the 062 that will put you through to the headquarters of the Comandancia (every day of the year 24/7) who will send a service patrol out to you. You can also contact the local Civil Guard or the SEPRONA Patrol.

In the following link you can see all the news referring to Seprona at ECOticias.com: Noticias Seprona


Also - From Alert Cops you can report cases of animal abuse immediately to the National Police and Civil Guard.

App available on App Google Play and App Store.



Contact Information
Phone: 900101062

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