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Lynwen Cancer Care Nurses

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  7. Lynwen Cancer Care Nurses

What Can We Do For You?

If you or anyone you know has been given a diagnosis of cancer and is struggling with any aspect, then please feel free to contact us.

Living with and beyond cancer is not just about treatment and clinical issues. Cancer affects us emotionally as well as physically and can also affect families with financial implications. We treat each case as unique.

Sometimes you may have side effects of treatment, and surgery and medication can cause hair loss and other bodily/cosmetic changes.

Our team can consider your needs and help and advise on many aspects. Where we can’t provide the help ourselves, we will guide you to all recommended service providers.

Most of us are qualified in counselling and bereavement services. We work as a team and all conversations are treated in complete confidence. Sometimes it’s just a reassuring voice and help with everyday problems that may occur when someone becomes ill in Spain that makes all the difference.

You may just want to join us for a chat and a cuppa, or you may even want to join our walking group. Nothing too energetic, but a different opportunity to help your wellbeing and gives you the chance to have input into what we do and put your ideas forward, no matter how big or small. We will listen to your needs.

Our nurses and carers have the experience, qualifications and skills.  Contact us and find out what we can do for you, living with and beyond cancer.

Visit our charity centre and shops to discover all we do and to get help, or contact our nursing team on the dedicated number: 722684093

Lines are open Monday – Friday 9am until 5pm. If you get no reply, our nurses may be busy and unable to speak, so please leave a message and a contact number and somebody will get back to you.

Meet The Team

Jayne Nuttall-Blake
Carol Hicks
Kay Pitt-Allen
Anna Cristiano

Donations are always welcome..

Contact Information
Phone: 722684093
Unit 7 centro commercial la Pla, Ctra de Cap de La Nau Pla 122 Javea, 03730, Xàbia 03730

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