Home Local InfoOfficial News The Big Brexfast? Fry-Up Fans in the UK Need Spain!!

The Big Brexfast? Fry-Up Fans in the UK Need Spain!!

by Loraine Gostling

I have no idea why the powers that be in the UK are thinking about this right now but, apparently Brexit means breakfast will get more expensive, according to new research, apparently adding about 13% to the cost of a meal in “The Greasy Spoons”, according to number crunchers at KPMG.

That’s four times the rate of inflation and means a typical family-sized shopping list for the key ingredients like bacon, sausages and brown sauce, would jump to £26.61 from  £23.59, thanks to increased tariffs on imports.

And…… ( oh no!)…..Brexit could threaten the future of the British takeaway too. Takeaways and picking up the phone for quick delivery food is something that some of us miss here in Spain, but actually I found I did get used to it (eventually)  and probably we should be thankful that 20 to 40 euros does not disappear from the wallets on a whim of “let’s not cook tonight”!

Pure orange juice from Spain and bottled in Ireland, and olive oil, from Italy and Spain, are among the items set to incur the biggest increase, at 34 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. 

Milk, free range eggs and sliced white bread were all sourced from the UK in the analysis, however the other items were intentionally imported for demonstrative purposes.

“If the UK leaves the EU without a trade deal or transitional agreement, the UK can expect both higher prices and a huge spike in red tape at the borders,” said Bob Jones, a director at KPMG. 

So, who still prefers the “Full Monty British fry up” to a croissant and jam or tostadas? 

Middle photo is a Legends Big Breakfast. 

Full story from The Independent


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