The mayor of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, Miguel Ángel García, called an emergency meeting on Wednesday afternoon to draw up plan regarding the Corona Virus health alert situation .
The local government, following the recommendations of the Generalitat and in order to prevent greater evils, has decreed to suspend the cultural and festive events in March, which are detailed below:
- Activities for Women’s Month , including the Theatre ‘Trobadores’ (Friday the 13th), the women’s empowerment workshop (Friday the 20th) and the presentation of’ Les nostres mares. Memòria de les dones del Poble Nou de Benitatxell ‘(Friday 27).
- II Cursa de la Dona , scheduled for Sunday, March 29.
- Spring Concerts , Saturdays March 14, 21 and 28.
As for the Sports Agenda , the municipal clubs and schools are subject to the instructions of each federation or league. For the moment and until further notice, the training sessions are maintained.
In music schools, dance and EPA will have classes until stated otherwise.
In relation to the Association of Retirees and Pensioners , a particularly vulnerable group, the City Council recommends temporarily cancellation of their weekly periodic meetings at the Social Centre. Also, Aquagym classes are canceled .
From the City Council, citizens are asked for prudence and caution, both when it comes to following the recommendations, and tokeep informed about the latest developments. For this, we recommend always consulting the official channels of the Ministry of Health.
Soon, the local executive will meet again to analyse the evolution of this health crisis and decide on the continuation or cancellation of the scheduled events in April, among which the MitjaFava Fest or the concert of the Santa María Magdalena Music-Municipal Association on Saturday, April 4.