Saturday, April 14th: “DIA DEL PREGÓN”
(Opening Speech Day)
8.00 pm. Fiesta parade accompanied by “Colla de Xirimiters El Riberer” (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
9.00 pm. Opening speech in the Parish Church from Benissa, by Mr.Jose Bernardo Orihuel García “Pepo“. Afterwards everyone will join their voices for the hymn dedicated to the Puríssima Xiqueta and the Benissa anthem accompanied by the “Sociedad Lírica y Musical de Benissa” band and the “Coral Benissenca” choir.
The ceremony will end with fireworks by RICASA pyrotechnics.
00:00 am. Live music with “LA FIESTA” dance band in Paseo Dolores Piera.
8.00 pm. Prize giving of the “25 d’abril” Literary Competition and “S. Soria- Vila de Benissa” Art Awards 2018. Presentation of the works that won in 2017 in the Hall of the Centre d’Art Taller de Ivars.
Then, in the exhibition hall, the opening of the exhibition of paintings presented in the Art Awards 2018.
10.00 pm. Parade of “festeros” (8, 18 and 40 year old people that represent Benissa during the festival) through the streets of Benissa to view the festive decorations, accompanied by the “Xaranga l’Espardenya” band.
Friday, April 20th: CORONATION DAY
09.00 pm. Parade of festeros accompanied by Colla de Xirimiters Pere Bigot (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
10.00 pm. Gathering of the authorities and Fiesta Queens of neighboring towns in the Plaza Portal.
10.30 pm. Coronation ceremony of the Fiesta Queens, minor and major, 2018, Laura Balaguer Mancheño and Nerea Salva Pont, in the Paseo Dolores Piera.
After the ceremony the celebration will continue with the “Reality” band, in the Rei Jaume I square.
Saturday, April 21st: “OFRENDA DAY” (Floral Offering day)
08.30 am. Church service in honour of the Puríssima Xiqueta, Patron of Benissa.
11.00 am. Playground in the Dolores Piera Park organized by Espectacles L´Afició.
01.00 pm. “Entrada de la Murta” (traditional parade with horses and carts) in coordination with the asociations “Cavallistas i Carreters” and “Amics del carro” accompanied by Colla de Xirimiters El Riberer (pipe and drum band) and Societat Líric y Musical de Benissa marching band.
06.30 pm. Evening mass and bell ringing.
07.00 pm. Gathering in the Plaza del Convento of the participants in the floral offering for the parade to the Parish Church accompanied by Colla de Xirimiters El Riberer (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
Followed by performance of the L’Esbart Dansaire dance group accompanied by CollaXirimiters Pere Bigot (pipe and drum band) in the plaza Rei Jaume I.
07.30 pm. Floral Offering to the Puríssima Xiqueta after which the festeros will be awarded medals.
12.30 am. Firework display by RICASA pyrotechnics.
01.00 am. Performance by with the “EFECTO PASILLO” band, followed by “TITANIC” in the Paseo Dolores Piera (Main square).
Sunday, April 22nd: THE “PURÍSSIMA’S” DAY
08.00 am. “Despertà” (Reveille), with bell ringing and parade of marching bands.
08.30 am. Low mass.
10.00 am. Parade of festeros, mayorales and claraviesas accompanied by Colla de Xirimiters Pere Bigot (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
11.00 am. Gathering of the authorities and festeros in the Plaza Portal.
11.30 am. High mass and sermon in honour of the Puríssima Xiqueta. The mass will be chanted by the Coral Benissenca accompanied by organist Josep Ortolà, directed by Javier Santacreu. After mass, visit to San Joaquin y Santa Ana Old People’s home.
02.00 pm. “Mascletà” delivered by RICASA pyrotechnics, in Parque Dolores Piera.
07.00 pm. Low mass and the lowering of the image of the Patron accompanied by the organist Josep Ortolà followed by the Holy Procession in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta. Afterwards RICASA pyrotechnics will deliver a spectacular fireworks in Av. L’Alcúdia.
12.30 am. Live music by “LOS SUPERSINGLES” band from the program “Que tiempo tan feliz” from T5 TV in Paseo Dolores Piera (Main square). Followed by Outdoor disco.
Monday, April 23 de abril: DIA DELS RIBERERS (Benissa farm hands that worked on the rice fields near Valencia)
08.00 am. Reveille, with bell ringing and parade of Festeros and marching bands.
10.00 am. Parade of festeros, mayorales and claraviesas accompanied by Colla de Xirimiters Pere Bigot (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
11.00 am. Gathering of the authorities and festeros in the Plaza Portal.
11.30 am. High mass and sermon in honour of the Puríssima Xiqueta chanted by the Coral Benissenca directed by Javier Santacreu and accompanied by organist Josep Ortolà. Followed by floral offering to Monument of the Riberer and tribute to the ribereros and speech by Malena Ribes Giner.
02.00 pm. Spectacular “mascletà” delivered by RICASA pyrotechnics.
06.30 pm. Parade of floats accompanied by music of marching bands, Batukada Bumpada and the spectacular dence group: Masters Ballet Ontinyent with their ”Parrots, Toucans, Jungle and Cockatoos”. Followed by prize giving of the best decorated streets & floats;distribution of chocolate with the collaboration of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and performance by the Children’s Animation group: “CÁNTAME UN CUENTO”.
07.30 pm. Low mass.
12.00 am. Traditional singing of the Hail Mary to the Puríssima Xiqueta outside house that was one the home of Joan Vives, in the calle Puríssima, accompanied by the Societat Lirica I Musical de Benissa band directed by Miguel Ángel Grau Martínez. Afterwards a kilometer-long string of fireworks will be let off in the street.
12.30 am. Grand nighttime “mascletá” in the Dolores Piera park by RICASA pyrotechnics.
At the end, The Mayor, Abel Cardona Castell, will hand over Staff of Office to the 2018“Mayor” of the “Fadrins” (young unmarried men) Chemi Soria Gálvez.
Afterwards live music with the “LA TRIBU” dance band in Paseo Dolores Piera, followed by Outdoor disco.
Tuesday, April 24th: BACHELOR DAY
08.30 pm. Low mass.
09.00 am. Reveille and parade of Festeros accompanied by “charanga” band.
11.00 am. Giant Playground by Arte Mediterráneo in paseo Dolores Piera.
12.30 pm. Grand Prix. Everyone is invited to participate in this game. Registration at the Casal Jove until Friday, 04/20/2018. Attraction aimed at people over 12 years old.
12.30 pm. Cazalla for everyone from Distilleries Monforte del Cid (ANIS CANDELA) in the Plaza Rey Jaume I.
02.00 pm. Popular meal in Paseo Dolores Piera (Main square). Live music by Bataclán Xaló band.
06.00 pm. Fun parade with participation of neighbours and the music of charangas and Batukada percussion, starting from the Town Hall square and ending in Escoles Velles (Bilbao street), where there will be snacks and refreshments for the kids with the collaboration of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and prizes for the best fancy dresses. Followed by
children’s musical performance “EL TREN DE LA ALEGRIA” by Espectáculos David.
ITINERARY: Plaza Portal (Town hall square), Puríssima street, Rey Jaume I square, Dr. Vicente Buigues street, Pare Melchor street, Sant Nicolau street, Sant Josep street, Bilbao street & Escuelas Viejas (Bilbao street).
09.00 pm. Rock night by the groups: REACCIÓ and SMOKING SOULS in Paseo Dolores Piera (Main square).
11.30 pm. Spectacular performance of CORREFOCS by Amics de la Cordà de Polop de la Marina in the Plaza Rey Jaume I.
12.30 am. Rock night continues with the groups: DESAKATO, ATUPA and PLAN B in the Paseo Dolores Piera (main square).
Wednesday, April 25th: FIRST DAY OF BULLS
08.30 pm. Low mass.
04.30 pm. Live Music by Francisco Escoda in San Joaquin y Santa Ana Old People’s home.
06.30 pm. Entrance of cattle from Ifach ranch.
07.00 pm. Bull running with Benavent ranch.
11.30 pm. Bull running with Crespo ranch.
12.30 am. Outdoor disco by DJ Javi Mas in Dolores Piera Park.
Thusday, April 26th: SECOND DAY OF BULLS
08.30 pm. Low mass.
12.00 pm. “Carretones” (wheel barrows used instead of Bulls) for children organized by Espectacles l´Afició.
06.30 pm. Entrance of cattle from La Paloma ranch.
07.00 pm. Bull running with Calí ranch. Live Music by Francisco Escoda in Centro Social Bérnia (Club for retired people), Bilbao street.
11.30 pm. Bull running with La Paloma ranch.
12.30 am. Outdoor disco by DJ Alex Femenía in Dolores Piera park.
Friday, April 27th: THIRD DAY OF BULLS
08.30 pm. Low mass.
12.00 pm. The San Fermin child arrives in Benissa. Spectacular running of inflatable bulls and carts for children by Arte Mediterráneo. Participants who are dressed in white, will have a red kerchief as a gift.
ITINERARY: Puríssima street, Rey Jaume I square.
07.00 pm. Bull running with La Paloma ranch.
11.00 pm. Entrance of cattle from Benavent ranch.
11.30 pm. Bull running with Benavent ranch.
Following by “DISCO FOLLOWME” Outdoor disco in Dolores Piera Park.
08.30 pm. Low mass.
11.00 am. Playground by Espectáculos Arte Mediterráneo in Sant Pere street.
12.30 pm. Gathering of anyades in paseo Dolores Piera (main square), it will be free beer and livened up by charanga bands.
02.00 pm. Giant Paella in Parque Dolores Piera, sponsored by Supermercado Casa Boira, livened up by charanga bands.
Registrations of “Añadas” and friends in the Casal Jove until 04/20/2018.
04.30 pm. Dancing evening & fiesta with “LA PATO” dance band. Followed by “GRUPO VÉRTIGO” and “SPAM GROUP” Outdoor disco.
07.00 pm. Bull running with Ifach Ranch.
07.30 am. Low mass
11.30 pm. Bull running with La Templanza ranch.
SUNDAY, APRIL 29th: The 8th DAY
08.00 am. Reveille air from several points, with bell ringing and parade of marching bands.
08.30 am. Low mass
10.00 am. Parade of festeros accompanied by Colla Xirimiters El Riberer (pipe and drum band) and marching bands.
11.00 am. Gathering of festeros and authorities in Portal square (Town Hall).
11.30 am. High mass offered by M. Ilstre. Mr. D. Francisco Revert; Parish priest of the Assumption of Denia and Episcopal Vicar of La Marina and chanted by the “Orfeon Mare Nostrum” choir form Alicante, sponsored by the Alicante Province Council.
02.00 pm. Spectacular “mascletà” delivered by RICASA pyrotechnics.
07.30 pm. Low mass.
8:00 p.m. Expected performance finale, in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta 2018, by the magnificent tenors “IN VIVO” group in Dolores Piera Park.
April, 30th and May, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th.
08.30 am. Low mass.
08.00 pm. Mass and “septenario” sermen.
NOTE. The Festeros of the commission 2018 reserves the right to cancel or modify any scheduled event.