Home Local Info A word of warning – Iberdrola Scam

A word of warning – Iberdrola Scam

by Loraine Gostling

This is not something I have seen doing a Facebook round – it actually happened to me this week.

I am an Iberdrola customer and so I opened an email which came in two days ago, to find an invoice attached to this message ( Original was in Spanish):-

I then looked at the invoice attached to the email….

Until I looked at the invoice, it did look rather credible but having just paid a bill, a close look reveals that there is no name or address on it at all.

I then looked at Iberdrola’s bank account number, which was not the number on that invoice!

Many things looked wrong on this document but the absence of a name and address was enough to realise that this was not right.

Also, the email had been sent to a different email address – not the one that Iberdrola have for me. The top screenshot is the REAL Iberdrola. (It was sent to a business email address)

Although I knew by this time that it was a scam, I thought I would send it through to Iberdrola and tell them. Within a few hours, they came back to me confirming that it was a scam and that they did know about it and were working on it. This was there reply (translated )…

Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to help you.

Regarding your query, I would like to inform you that IBERDROLA has not sent this email, this is a phishing attempt and we are already taking action to prevent it from continuing to occur.


And is you suspect an email from anyoneat all to be fraudulent, check immediately with the business/bank/carriers/health authority etc., who they may be pretending to be.

Always be suspicious of any email, calls, sms or website that asks for sensitive information (account / card number, passwords …)

Always check If in the email address, sender, message, website or phone there is any suspicious character or number

Do not click on any link or provide anything until you verify the veracity of the email or call. In cases of money demands, always consult the information through the service channels of the institution involved.

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