Home Costa BlancaJavea Now We Need Your Votes!!

Now We Need Your Votes!!

by Loraine Gostling

In October we launched a competition on Javea Connect, which was  kindly sponsored by Paul Kingham at Moo Bar and Restaurant in the Arenal, Javea. We asked for nominations for people who ( for whatever reason)  readers thought would be deserving of 2 free 4 course Christmas day lunches. The competition closed last Thursday and now we are presenting to you, the group members……..the nominations.

So now it will be down to you, dear JC members to vote in the winner! And it won’t be easy!!! 

Here are the nominees and the stories behind them……

1) Julie Morrison nominates Jean Almroth

“I would like to nominate my sister Jean Almroth for the fantastic prize of Christmas Lunch at Moo.  After suffering a bleed on the brain in January 2017 Jean spent almost 5 months in hospital.  She is struggling to come to terms with the complete change in her lifestyle.  She and Nils have had to put their house on the market and have moved to an apartment.  She is really missing working at the Original Charity Shop and can’t wait to get back there!  Lastly she has lost a great deal of weight as she is unable to cook and is relying on her husnband, Nils to do all the cooking.  He tries really hard but he had never cooked anything before January and had no idea how the oven or microwave worked! They have both had a really difficult year and both deserve a well cooked Christmas Lunch – Nils is definitely not up to cooking a roast dinner! Hoping they are lucky”

2) Karl Haycock nominates Hazel D’Arcy 

“I would like to nominate Hazel for this prize – Hazel has had a particularly bad 2 or 3 years for health and personal reasons.  She supports many local charities in her own quiet way and is always there giving support when she can both in donations and in helping with rescued animals. Hazel is not a close friend,  just a client and I have no other reason for nominating her apart from the fact that I think people like this should occasionally get a little bit of a treat at Christmas. She lives alone and does not have a massive circle of friends so it would probably really give her a very special Xmas day to remember.” 

3) Kim Leeds nominates Joanne Delay

“I nominate Joanne Delay of the Salamander Charity shop in Javea. The lady works full time (washing and ironing clothes when the shop is shut) for no financial gain or recognition in order to support the care of animals here.  More than that, it’s a kind of community hub to meet people like crazy old Doreen. There is always a chair for the oldies to sit and have a chat and I am always made to feel welcome.”

4) Sarah Michelle Sallami nominates Georgina Duncan

” I would like to nominate Georgina Duncan and her husband for all the help she has given in these past months 
Her advice has been so helpful to me and loads of others

5) An anonymous email came in nominating Jean Gray 

“Because Jean is such a very kind person and is always supportive no matter what the cause. She goes out of her way to help people and never asks for anything in return. She helped me without knowing me at all,  and I will never forget that. “

6) Another anonymous vote came in for Kimberly Marie Harrison

“I would like to nominate Kimberley Marie Harrison to win the Christmas day lunch.
She has made me a fitter, more energised person this year with her fabulous infectious Zumba classes, and she is always thinking of others by supporting local charities and fund raisers. She deserves it for her boundless energy and commitment.”

7) Pearl Linda McKnight and Dawn Heldey nominate Jacky Hazeleger

“Jacky works tirelessly for the dogs of Javea with grace and love.” 
“I nominate Jacky her first thoughts if a dog is in need….leave everything and GO GO GO. Jacky and her husband are very humble people who deserve pampering”

8) Michelle Clarke, Nigel Webb  and more nominated Derek and Sue Lundgren

“I would like to nominate Derek and Sue Lundgren who are working tirelessly for the animal shelter in Pego. If it wasn’t for Sue’s constant work in getting donations and spreading the word about the poor state of the shelter in her daily reports then the shelter could well have closed by now. Added to that her fantastic husband has been building many new kennels and was often working on his own every single day during the heat of the summer. I really cannot think of a more deserving couple, I would love them to have a little pampering.”

9) Jane Potter nominates Alan and Liz Rawlings

” I nominate Alan & Liz Rawlings. They are neighbours of mine, and have been extraordinarily helpful to myself 78 year old widow….fixing things, helping with ITV, replacing lights, helping in the garden, power-hosing, I could go on forever.They accept no payment, are charming and extraordinarily kind and their kindness does not stop at myself either. Many others are a beneficiaries of their kindness and thoughtfulness.”

10) Chrystal Jay Reilly nominates Loz Reilly

I nominate my dad Loz Reilly. It seems a bit easy to nominate a parent but for me its very easy and simple! My dad is always doing things for others and is constantly raising money for charity.
BBQ’s to raise money for cancer, growing his hair for it to be given to those less fortunate (beard too) and volunteering to raise money for prostate cancer. If it is to help others with an illness he will always offer to help and in most cases is the first!Would be nice to have this for him to enjoy. I’m proud what can I say? 

11) Elizabeth Trafford nominates Claire and David Wall

“I would like to nominate Claire Wall and her husband David.  Claire works so hard and David is recovering from two recent major operations.  Claire supports a lot of charities, including ours and is always willing to get involved in a worthy cause. I am sure they would love a slap up meal on Christmas day and for Claire to be waited on for a change instead of running about for other people.”

12) Jacky Hazeleger nominates a homeless friend

“I am voting to give the menu to a homeless friend please. I dont think he would want his name mentioned.”

13) Also, rather tongue in cheek here.. we had Rachael MacDonald asking for herself to be nominated, lol. So we thought we had better not miss this press-ganged nomination by Hannah, her daughter 😉 😉

” I nominate Racheal MacDonald  …She’s spent the last 7 months by side while I’ve been recovering from a accident… going hospital 3 times a week, sometimes 4/5! Giving up her whole summer to take me back an forth to physio.. she’s been a little gem ! Hahahahahhahaha happy Rach??

Finally we had a message from Henry Lindal, which, as it was a nomination for 3 people, we could not really include it. However, we think that Henry’s sentiments should be added. 

“My contribution for the X-mas dinner at Moo isn’t quite by the rules. I would like to nominate 3 people and not just 2.  Scott, Andres and Jose Antonio who were injured in the bicycle accident earlier this year. Those 3 persons deserve to know that they’re not forgotten by the community.” 
We will drink to that Henry!!
A poll will shortly be placed on the JC Group Page ………Good luck to everyone and we are rather glad that admin does not have to judge this one!!!!


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