Home Local Info A message from the King of Spain.

A message from the King of Spain.

by Loraine Gostling

Philip VI addressed the nation for the second time in his reign to call for national unity:

He said “Now we must put aside our differences. We must unite around the same objective: to overcome this serious situation. And we have to do it together. 

Four days after the state of alarm was declared, the King sent a hopeful and optimistic message because “this virus will not defeat us. It will make us stronger as a society; a more committed, more caring, more united society. A society standing in the face of any adversity .”

The head of state met yesterday afternoon in Zarzuela for almost two hours with the Prime Minister and the four ministers who form the technical committee for the management of the coronavirus crisis. 

Pedro Sánchez and the heads of Health, Interior, Defense and Transport informed the King of the evolution of the pandemic and of the implementation of the state of alarm. Felipe VI tried to encourage morale into citizens because it is “a temporary crisis. A parenthesis in our lives “, after which Spain will return” to normal “and that moment will come” sooner than later “. But for that moment, it is “essential” that nobody lets their guard down.

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