Home San Juan Fiestas Javea

San Juan Fiestas Javea

by Loraine Gostling
San Juan Fiestas Javea 09. JuneJun. 2024 00:00

Fiestas & Special Events



Sunday, June 9: Commemorative event 75 Years

9:30.- XX Table Tennis Open, in the Palau d’Esports.

11:00.- Valencian pilota game at El Trinquet de Xàbia (separate program).

20:30.- Parade “75th anniversary”, from the Church Square to Constitution Square.
Itinerary: Church Square, Tossal de Dalt, Príncipe de Asturias, Oms and Constitution Square.

21:00.- Act commemorating the 75th anniversary of Fogueres de Sant Joan, with the presentation of the presidents, presidents and reigning presidents, and queens of the past 75 years. Constitution Square.

Thursday, June 13: Proclamation

14:00.- Official opening of “Penyes Santjoaneres” huts.

20:00.- Parade of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens, from the Plaza Marina Alta to the Plaza de la Iglesia. Itinerary: Plaza Marina Alta, Príncipe de Asturias, Oms, Nou, Sant Vicent, Sant Joaquim, Virgen de la Merced, Foguerer, Ramón Llidó, Tarongers, Groc de Sala, Ramón Llidó, Foguerer, Ramón Llidó, Tarongers, Groc de Sala, Ramón
Llidó, Foguerer, Ronda Sur, Arquitecto Urteaga, Thiviers, Avenida Juan Carlos I, Cervantes, Avenida Alicante, Ronda Norte, Plaza Celestino Pons and Plaza Iglesia.

21:00.- Proclamation of the festivities by the Queens and the municipal authorities.

22:30.- Sopar de cabasset, in the Plaza de la Constitución. The Comissió de Fogueres will offer drinks.

00:00.- The quintos, peñas and people in general, accompanied by the xaranga, will sing to the images of San Juan. Then, Despiporre discomóvil in the Plaza de la Constitución until 3:00 am.

Friday 14th June.

18:00.- Parade of the festeros and festive to visit the sectors Thiviers, Freginal, Port and Arenal. Itinerary Thiviers and Freginal: Portal del Clot, Tirant lo Blanc, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Historiador Escolano, Thiviers, Arquitecto Urteaga, Ronda Sur, Gabriel Miró, Sant Jaume, Ramón Llidó and Molí de la Safranera // Itinerary Port: Manuel Bordes Valls, Joan Fuster, Jaume I, Adolfo Suárez square, Santísimo Cristo del Mar, Sertorio, Jaume I and Manuel Bordes Valls. -Itinerary Arenal: Libertad Avenue and Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.

22:30.- Concert night. The night will start with the performance of Arsènic. Xavi Sarrió will follow and to finish concert of the group The Yets and DJ Cate until 04:00, in the Plaza de la Constitución.

Saturday, June 15th.

8:00.- Despertà, with rockets, through the streets of the Historic Centre by the Quintà 25th anniversary “Molta Festa i poc trellat”.

10:00.- Barbecue lunch offered by the Comissió de Fogueres in the bull enclosure.

12:00.- Concentration of quintades in Palmela Avenue (bus station) where popular games and aquatic games will take place.

19:00.- Monaco Party show combining orchestra with DJ and other surprises in the Plaza de la Constitución.

00:00.- Macrodisco Sos Animation, in the Plaza de la Constitución until 05:00.

Sunday, June 16th

22:00.- Performance of the play “Trash” in which recycling, percussion and humor are mixed, in the Plaza de la Constitución.

00:30.- Discomóvil “Fogueres musicón” with DJ Javi Mengu, in the bullfighting area until 3.00 am.

Monday 17th June.

16:00.- Pilota Tournament. There will be a bar service.

22:00.- Havaneras singing of the rondalla of the Grup de Danses Portitxol in the church square.

22:00.- Paella contest in Avda Palmela. The prize will be 100 euros. Afterwards, performance of the group Glop Esponja until 3:00 am.

Tuesday, June 18th

21:30.- Sopar de cabasset in the church square.

22:00.- “A journey through music”, musical performance that reviews the successes of all times in the church square.

00:30.- Discomóvil “Fogueres musicón” with DJ Alex Femenía, in the bullfighting area until 3:00 am.

Wednesday, June 19th

23:00.- Great gymkhana, for over 18 years old, in the bull enclosure. Afterwards
discomóvil “Fogueres musicón” special Spanish pop rock hand in hand “La Gavi” and “Toni Bup”. until 3:30 am.

00:00.- Plantà of the central Foguera in the Plaza de la Constitución and children’s Foguera in the placeta del Convent. “A Cabassaes”, penya “La Melona” and penya
penya “Tot d’un glop”.

Thursday, June 20th

10.00.- Popular lunch for all retirees in the Social Center, offered by the Comissió de Fogueres.

14:00.- Giant Paella for all the neighbors, in the Montaner Park.
19:30.- Big bingo organized by the penya “La Melona”, in the Church Square. There will be a bar service.
20:00.- Musical for young and old “The Kingdom of the lion” in the Plaza de la Constitución.
23:00.- Dansà Popular, in carrer Nou, with the Grup de Danses Portitxol.
23:30.- “The last tribute”, musical performance that reviews the successes of the group “El último de la Fila”.Then discomóvil until 4:30 am.

Friday, June 21st. Offering of Flowers

11:00.- Cremà of the bonfire of the Centre de Día Santa María Betania, in the placeta del Convent and of the court of honour, ladies and queens, to visit the decorated streets of the Historic Centre. During this parade the Crema de la Foguera del Asilo will take place.

19:30.- Offering of flowers to San Juan in the Plaza de la Iglesia, with the making of the tapis by the penya “La Patxi”. – Itinerary: Thiviers, Juan Carlos I Avenue, Cervantes, Alicante Ave, Ronda Norte, Doctor Borull, Verge del Popul, San Vicent, Sant Joaquim, Ronda Sur, Roques, Sor María Gallard and Plaza de la Iglesia.

Saturday, June 22nd. 75th anniversary day.

9:00.- Despertà children from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución. All
those who want to participate should bring their own instrument to make noise and go through the streets of the Historical Centre

10:00.- Children’s playground in the Plaza de la Constitución.

11:00.- Parade from the Plaza de la Constitución with the queens, ladies, presidents and presidents of the 75 years of festivities, to the Plaza de la Constitución. Itinerary: Portal del Clot, Ronda Sur, Príncipe de Asturias, Sant Josep, Mayor, Primicies, Sant Bonaventura and Plaza de la Iglesia. Plaza Marina Alta, Tossal de Baix, Sor Catalina Bas, Santa Llúcia, Sant Josep, En Grenyó, Sant Bonaventura, Church Square.

12:00.- Mass to Sant Joan in commemoration of the 75th anniversary Then, the Tuna de Xàbia will round the representatives of the 75 years of the Fogueres.

13:30.- Macarronada for children in Montaner Park.

19:30.- Offering of flowers in the church square, with all the representative charges of the 75 years of Fogueres. with the collaboration of the penya “La Patxorra”.
Itinerary: Plaza Marina Alta, Príncipe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent, Ronda Sur, Pastores, Mayor, Primicias, Sant Bonaventura and Plaza de la Iglesia.

22:00.- 75th anniversary commemorative dinner.

23:50.- Mascletà of colours of the 75th anniversary, in the Plaça de Sant Bonaventura.

21:30.- Serenade to the Queens and Presidents by the Tuna de Xàbia. Departure from the church square.

00:00.- Macaco concert in the Plaza de la Constitución. At the end of the concert there will be a disco until 4:30 am.

Sunday, June 23rd. Nit dels focs de Sant Joan

10:00.- Crida a la festa, with firecrackers, through the streets of the historic centre by the penya “Fadrins, borratxos i fins”, accompanied by the “Batucam”. “Fadrins, borratxos i fins”

11:30.- Offering to San Juan, during the parade will take place the pardon of the ninot of the Foguera and the Children’s Bonfire. Itinerary: Plaza Marina Alta, Principe de
Asturias, Oms, Nou, Teuleria (pujadeta), end of carrer Nou, Sant Doménech, Damià Giner, Verge de la Soledat de la Soledat, Jesús Natzaré, Mayor, Virgen del Pilar, Cups, Sant Bonaventura, En Grenyó, Placeta del Convent (children’s ninot pardon), Oms and Plaza de la Constitución (ninot pardon).

19:30.- Cavalcade of floats of the representative charges of the 75th anniversary. Itinerary:
Avenida Juan Carlos I, Cervantes, Avenida Alacant, Ronda Norte, Príncipe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent, Doctor Borrull, Doctor Borrull, Oms and Plaza de Constitución.
del Convent, Doctor Borrull, Avenida de Ondara, Avenida Valencia, Sant Joaquím and Ronda Sur.

23:30.- Traditional “nit dels focs de Sant Joan”, declared a festival of local tourist interest in the Valencian Community.

25 aniversari “Molta festa i poc trellat”. Then Cremà of the Foguera de Trastos Vells al
Raval de Baix, organized by the penya “El Gerrot”.

Then, correfoc “Nit mágica” by Xarxa Teatre, from the Raval de Baix to the Plaza de la Constitución. Then, PachanGo! disco until 5:00 am.

Monday, June 24th. Day of Sant Joan.

9:30.- Despertà with firecrackers, through the streets of the Historic Center, by the Quintà “La Rebolica”.

10:00.- Mass to Sant Joan, in the square of Xàtiva in the Freginal sector.
chocolate and sweets will be offered to all attendees.

10:30.- Parade to pick up the court of honour, ladies, presidents and queens.

12:30.- Solemn mass to Sant Joan in the parish church of Sant Bertomeu, with the participation of “Grup Polifò Ars Nova” and the orchestra of the “Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia”. At the end of the mass, mascletà in the Plaza de la Constitución. Afterwards, wine of honour at the Arnauda’s riurau, offered by the Town Hall of Xàbia.

18:30.- Concentration of the Quintà 2024 “A Cabassaes” in the Constitution Square.

19:00.- Parade of the Quintà 2024, music bands and Xarangas, from the Plaza de la Constitución to the Avda Pla.Itinerary: Constitution Square, Bon Aire, Príncipe de Asturias, Ronda Norte, Avenida Alicante, Avenida Juan Carlos I and Avenida del Pla.

19:30.- Parade of floats. At the end parade of all the court of honor, presidents,
ladies and queens to the placeta del Convent. Itinerary: Avenida Juan Carlos I, Cervantes, Avenida de Alicante, Ronda Norte, Príncipe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent, Doctor Borrull, Avenida de Ondara, Avenida Valencia, Sant Joaquim, Ronda Sur.

22:00.- Cremà Foguera Infantil. Previously there will be a parade: Ronda Sur, Ronda Norte, Príncipe de Asturias and Placeta del Convent.

23:00.- Performance of the orchestra “Titanic”, at the Plaza de la Constitución.

00:00.- Fireworks pyromusical castle in the Plaza de la Constitución. Followed by
cremà de la Foguera Central and continuation of the orchestra, until 3:30 am.

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