Home Euovision Concert

Euovision Concert

by Loraine Gostling
Euovision Concert 22. MayMay. 2024 19:30Plaça de Baix, 6, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante

Music Events

Come and experience The Eurovision Song Contest through the ages, with songs from multiple countries over the 57 years that eurovision has been running. You'll know Waterloo, and the amazing Rise like a Phoenix, but did you know Volare was a Eurovision winner or Celine Dions Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi?

Come and support your country, wave a flag, dress in "Eurovision style" or your national costume.

During the contest you will be given the opportunity to vote for your favourite
song, and the winning entry will be performed as an encore at the end of the event. Sounds like fun? Do you want to help support local charities? Reserve your seats now on www.englishchoir.com . See the attached poster below for details.

A member of The Amateur Music Groups Association

Supporting Make A Smile and The Alzheimers Day Care Centre in Teulada.

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Casa Cultura Javea, Plaça de Baix, 6, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante


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