Home Javea Folk Festival

Javea Folk Festival

by Loraine Gostling
Javea Folk Festival 10. MayMay. 2024 00:00

Music Events

26th April and 10th to 12th of May.

As usual, first there will be a presentation concert on April 26th by the group ‘Krama’, directed by the Greek, Spyros Kaniaris. Later, from May 10 to 12, the Xàbia Folk will be celebrated with performances by ‘Sons d’Embat’, ‘Acetre’, ‘Alicornio’ and ‘Bruel’.

Among the six concerts is a novelty, the ‘Pep López i Sopars de Duro’ concert. A children’s entertainment performance that will take place on the basketball court of the CEIP Port of Xàbia, thus opening the festival to another urban centre in the town and opening itself to the young public.

See poster below for dates and venues.

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