Home Costa BlancaJavea Rosa Cardona reviews her six months as Mayoress of Javea

Rosa Cardona reviews her six months as Mayoress of Javea

by JC Admin

Rosa has made an assessment of her first six months in office.

She began her political review by highlighting that, during her government she has gone through several phases, “the first being particularly difficult, due to finding myself with a budget that had yet to be settled and therefore, I did not have the resources to pay bills and at the same time suffering from the additional problems with the closure of Arenal beach. But after these hurdles, Rosa pointed out that she is now satisfied with the work completed; “We see that we are capable of solving any problem, the equipment works.”

Before the closure of the Arenal “there had been poor management and we needed to know what had happened, what had produced these negative data on the quality of the water, so we began to investigate and found that the problem was in the lack of maintenance. The storm drains are clogged with debris, preventing even the monitoring robot from passing through. To this end, mayress has stated that they are already working to ensure that this closure episode does not happen again, “we have met with the EPSAR, we are reviewing the operation of all the pumps and we are carrying out maintenance work. In addition, we are in the process of ensuring that Javea has a tertiary treatment plant.

The launch of projects

During the first 180 days of her work as mayor, Rosa Cardona has indicated that her priority is to “give Javea everything it needs. So we have taken out all the projects that we had saved and we have begun to see which ones are necessary, review them, modify errors and prepare them for bidding and implementation”

“The first example was in the summer, the unblocking of the modified municipal swimming pool so that it could become a reality. Now it is up to Thiviers Park and Casa Candelaria,” says the mayoress, who adds that “within this management are my projects, which of course will also go forward, but following an order of priority and need for the people of Javea.

Regarding the projects of the current government team, Cardona has highlighted that some of the promises have already been fulfilled, such as the installation of pedal containers, an action that began at the end of 2023, but will soon reach everyone.

Likewise, she recalled that the increase in the salary of the Local Police has also been allocated and continuing with security, she detailed that work is being done on the installation of surveillance cameras, and added that the works to complete the project have been put out to tender and awarded.

“The image of Javea is being improved, since this is one of my main objectives. For this we have started with the cleaning of plots, improving the environmental impact of the Prima Montañar, with the installation of talanqueras preventing access to large vehicles to the first line of the coast, as well as in La Plana, where work will begin in the coming days.

Asked about the statements by the spokesperson for the PSOE of Xàbia, José Chulvi, in which he indicated that the new government team was in paralysis; Cardona has assured that “there has been no paralysis. I wish my paralysis had been yours.”

The mayoress has continued to detail other actions carried out in the past six months, ensuring that they have also worked to help SMEs and entrepreneurs “with 109 aid grants, the consumer bonuses and to manage another of my promises, the underground parking in the Port.

The future of Javea in four years

She has indicated that her line of work for 2024 is to have a budget soon to be able to carry out all the necessary actions and with it, as an essential task, approve the RPT (Job Position Relationship), “because without municipal reorganisation and the necessary personnel it is impossible to carry out the projects.”

Story and photos via Xabia.com

Maskeraid is part of the Javea Connect group. If you like a bit of drama (and I don’t mean just those posts that trigger the drama queens on JC) 😉 – then come along and meet me and the team on Saturday 13th Apriland who knows? – you may find yourself a new career!

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