Home Ceramics Market – Orba

Ceramics Market – Orba

by Loraine Gostling
Ceramics Market - Orba 22. OctoberOct. 2023 10:00 - 19:30Calle Major, Orba, Alicante
Social, Sport & Arts
MERCAT DEL FANG D’ORBA - Sunday, October 22, 2023
ORBA’S YEARLY CERAMICS MARKET- The biggest ceramics market of the year, closing off a week of ceramics related activities and workshops!
Orba is a small town 20 minutes inland from the beach, known for its history in pottery making and ceramics museum (Museu del Fang Orba). Come support local ceramists and buy local!
We’ve all been preparing our best pieces so you can get a head start buying some unique, quality, handmade gifts for the Christmas season, decorating your house, or one of a kind handmade tableware.
Once a year chance to get 20 handmade ceramics stalls all in one place and many different styles to choose from! Great plan for a different, unique, Sunday cultural and historical activity.
Where: Calle Major, Orba, Alicante
When: Sunday October 22nd 10am- 7:30pm
What to expect: All day market, ali- oli making competition with the traditional morter, pottery wheel demonstration, cosmetics with clay, activities for children, live music, food stalls and more!
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Calle Major, Orba, Alicante


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