Home Local Info Experts warn of an autumn full of mosquitoes and cockroaches due to recent rains and high temperatures

Experts warn of an autumn full of mosquitoes and cockroaches due to recent rains and high temperatures

by Loraine Gostling

Beware, in particular, of the tiger mosquito, which transmits diseases. The rain over the last few days which, added to the high temperatures, give rise to the “best breeding grounds” in some areas.

Humidity and heat can reactivate pests such as mosquitoes and cockroaches, but also other nasty creatures. Specifically, there is a  very special risk of the tiger mosquito population growing, especially in high areas. These risk transmission of diseases such as Dengue, Zika or Chikungunya and the West Nile Virus, of which two cases were detected just a few days ago.


Experts in this field are asking Public Administrations and the general public to put prevention measures in place, such as the cleaning of mosquito breeding sites, both domestic and peridomestic, that is, any place with stagnant water, swimming pools, tanks or any container to the open air in which water can collect.

As for cockroaches , they specify that the most common species in Spain are the Blattella germanica (blonde, German or coffee cockroach), the Blatta orientalis (black cockroach) and the Periplaneta americana (American cockroach, known as the “super-cockroach”). because of its size).

These creatures reproduce at a “breakneck” speed and even more so with the current climatic conditions. The main danger is the transmission of diseases such as salmonellosis or dysentery.

The control of this pest is a matter of the first order, especially for those in the hospitality sector, who have a lot at stake in terms of the image of their business since, if a customer sees a cockroach in a restaurant, on a terrace or in a bar, in all probability, they will not revisit!

Tiger mosquito: its extinction impossible in Spain

Regarding the tiger mosquito ( Aedes albopictus ), experts believe that its expansion has already reached a point of no return, which is why they see its extinction as impossible in Spain . 

Finally, if temperatures do not increase, with the downpours of recent days, the tiger mosquito plague threatens to skyrocket in the coming weeks, especially in Spanish high altitude regions.

The president of Anecpla, Sergio Monge, has observed that the situation of this disease-transmitting insect has now generated resistance to the chemical substances that are present in insecticides.

Monge explains that the resistance of this species to insecticides has been known for a long time, so he insists that professional experts in pest management and animal health must carry out prevention and population control tasks. “Otherwise we can find ourselves with extra complications like these and others that may be yet to come,” he warns.

We decided you really do not need any more photos of these hideous pests to add to this!

Source: https://www.informacion.es/

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