After 2 years of absence, CARNIVAL return to local towns.
This year there are a few changes to increase safety. The main change will be that
no marquee will be installed and the party will be held outdoors. It will also be compulsory to wear a mask to participate in the parades.
The Carnival will be held next Saturday, 26 February, in the Plaza de la Constitución.
As usual, there will be two programmes; one in the afternoon, designed for children, and another at night for adults.
The children’s party will start at 5 p.m., with a parade from the Plaza Marina Alta to the Plaza Constitución.
There will be prizes for the best costumes in the following categories:-
- Baby category (0 to 4 years)
- Children (5 to 12 years)Â
- After the parade there will be a mini disco, musical games and the prize-giving ceremony of the with dancers and entertainers.
- To take part in the competition, you must register in the same Marina Alta square from 4.30 p.m. or in advance at the Casal Foguerer (Plaza Constitución) on Thursday 24th from 7 p.m., on the 24th February from 7 p.m. onwards, a day on which those who wish to take part in the competition for the adult prizes (individual, couple or comparsa).
- Those who prefer to register at the last minute will be able to do so on the same Saturday from 23:00 hours in the Plaza de la Constitución, where the night-time party will be held with a parade and musical entertainment with DJs Juan Hdz and Félix Olivares.
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Gata de Gorgos
Carnival on February 26th and The Burial of the Sardine on March 5th

History of the Burial of the Sardine